Kro’s Nest

Home of m5kro

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  • Web Encryption Using Javascript

    Web Encryption Using Javascript

    I was analyzing a login page one day, and an odd idea came to me. What if we encrypt the data being sent on a website using Javascript? Admittedly, this idea seems pretty useless seeing that HTTPS does the same thing but better, but what about websites that use self-signed certificates or don’t use HTTPS…

  • Cloud Computers for Hacking

    Cloud Computers for Hacking

    Cloud computing has been around for a while now. There are offerings from many big tech companies and it’s very cheap, sometimes free, to get a cloud server up and running. In this article, we’ll look at the uses of these servers in the world of cybersecurity. Hosts But before we begin let’s review some…

  • One Year On Medium

    One Year On Medium

    It’s been a year since I published my first article on Medium, let’s see how things went. Goals When writing my first article, my aim was to inform readers about various cybersecurity topics. I wanted to explain how attacks worked, how to use different tools, and share my experience using these tools. All of my…