Kro’s Nest
Home of m5kro
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Web Encryption Using Javascript
I was analyzing a login page one day, and an odd idea came to me. What if we encrypt the data being sent on a website using Javascript? Admittedly, this idea seems pretty useless seeing that HTTPS does the same thing but better, but what about websites that use self-signed certificates or don’t use HTTPS…
Cloud Computers for Hacking
Cloud computing has been around for a while now. There are offerings from many big tech companies and it’s very cheap, sometimes free, to get a cloud server up and running. In this article, we’ll look at the uses of these servers in the world of cybersecurity. Hosts But before we begin let’s review some…
One Year On Medium
It’s been a year since I published my first article on Medium, let’s see how things went. Goals When writing my first article, my aim was to inform readers about various cybersecurity topics. I wanted to explain how attacks worked, how to use different tools, and share my experience using these tools. All of my…