One Year On Medium

It’s been a year since I published my first article on Medium, let’s see how things went.


When writing my first article, my aim was to inform readers about various cybersecurity topics. I wanted to explain how attacks worked, how to use different tools, and share my experience using these tools. All of my works reflect this, with the sole exception being my Fauxpilot review, which leaned more toward AI and coding. This goal may change in the future as my interests change and develop.

Timing-wise, my objective was to publish one story a week; however, this quickly became a pipe dream. Instead, I found myself writing about one a month, being limited by my ideas rather than time. This one-article-a-month pace will likely continue, with perhaps one or two extra if something catches my eye.


I was never good at writing. All the grammar and writing rules, coupled with trying to make things interesting, were always a challenge for me. Up until a year ago, publishing any writing to the public world seemed like an impossible task to me. However, I stumbled upon Medium, and things started to change. I discovered the creativity, passion, and diversity on this platform and I wanted a piece of the action. So I began drafting.

My first article, titled Where To Start in Learning Cybersecurity, was based on my own experiences when learning hacking. Writing it was quite fun and easy, and I quickly finished the first draft. However, the final product still took an entire week to publish. This wasn’t due to slow writing time; no, it was because I wasted four days debating whether I should publish it or not. In the end, I managed to overcome my fears after convincing myself that I would stop if the response was bad.

The story got a total of thirty-five views and nineteen reads, which was expected. But to my surprise, four people clapped for the story. These four claps gave me the confidence to write my next article, and things took off from there.

Today, I have fifty-four followers and receive around two thousand views per month. This skewed ratio mainly results from my three best-performing works: DIY WiFi Pineapple vs Real WiFi PineappleHow to use Bettercap, and Hashcat vs John the Ripper (JTR). These three articles have been placed at the top of certain Google searches, leading to inflated view counts. I’m not sure how to feel about this, as it only gives me the illusion that my stories are doing well. However, my follower count does show steady progress, increasing by two or three per month.


I know this is different from my usual content, but I felt that it would be a fun addition. Writing on Medium has been an exciting experience for me. It was difficult at first but I am getting better and better. With a clear goal in mind, I will continue publishing cybersecurity articles and tutorials every month. If you’re also considering writing on Medium but are scared of the response, just go for it! Don’t let your fears stop you!







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